Hello, I am Zlatan.

Product designer with a passion for strategy and over 12 years of delivering software users trust.

I’ve conceptualized and designed products from the ground up, crafted and directed UX for multiple successful products, and formed and led design teams.



Comprehensive data and market analysis platform designed for real estate agents and professionals in the industry.

Since then, the concept has evolved into broader B2B2C applications, extending into other real estate sectors.

Lead Product Designer



Comprehensive data and market analysis platform designed for real estate agents and professionals in the industry.

Since then, the concept has evolved into broader B2B2C applications, extending into other real estate sectors.

Lead Product Designer



Comprehensive data and market analysis platform designed for real estate agents and professionals in the industry.

Since then, the concept has evolved into broader B2B2C applications, extending into other real estate sectors.

Lead Product Designer




A leading tool providing census data visualization, mapping and reporting, supporting a wide range of applications, primarily in academia and research.

During my tenure, Social Explorer was adopted by all major US universities and leveraged by organizations such as The New York Times, Target, FedEx...

Pioneer Designer, Head of Design



A leading tool providing census data visualization, mapping and reporting, supporting a wide range of applications, primarily in academia and research.

During my tenure, Social Explorer was adopted by all major US universities and leveraged by organizations such as The New York Times, Target, FedEx...

Pioneer Designer, Head of Design



A leading tool providing census data visualization, mapping and reporting, supporting a wide range of applications, primarily in academia and research.

During my tenure, Social Explorer was adopted by all major US universities and leveraged by organizations such as The New York Times, Target, FedEx...

Pioneer Designer, Head of Design






Role: Lead Designer & Product Owner

From the ground up, I designed a GIS-focused cloud storage, file synchronization, data editing, and tile delivery service for mapping, and managed a team to shape and build it.

Today it is an invaluable component of a larger platform and a critical tool for internal teams and enterprise deals.

Charts & Vizualist

Role: Lead Product Designer

Led a team that designed a comprehensive charting application for publishing, enabling the creation, management, and distribution of thousands of interactive, responsive charts.

It later evolved into a platform called Vizualist supporting various types of interactive content.

Beyond Work

An architect by formal education, passionate about design, art, and music, I find joy in occasionally picking up guitar, as well as drawing and sketching.

Grateful father and husband, thankful for all life's gifts.